Monday, 17 September 2018


The procedure Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE transplant is the method of harvesting hair follicular unit grafts directly and individually from a patient’s donor area(s). FUE transplant is involved with selecting follicular units and removing them by the doctor without making a line of scar on donor area. The best candidates for FUE transplant are people who want to avoid having a linear scar in the donor area of their scalp and be able to shave their heads. Here are the main advantages of FUE transplants:

·        No linear scar
·        Minimal recovery time
·        Minimal or no post-operative pain and discomfort
·        Increased the area that hair could be harvested such as other areas of scalp, beard and body hair.

FUE Procedures followed at Ree Age will have the following steps: 

1. Preparation for the hair transplant:

In the initial step of the Hair Transplant Surgery, hair follicles from the back of the head are removed and relocated to the balding areas.

2. Donor area trimmed:

Before the surgery is started, the hair in the donor area is trimmed and is given local anesthesia.

3. Combed hair over sutured donor area:

The sutures in the donor area are hidden from the patient's hair that is combed over them. These sutures are removed almost ten days after the hair transplant surgery.

4. Donor tissue trimmed into follicular unit grafts:

Microscopes are then used by the surgical technicians to view the donor tissue for dissecting and preparing follicular units hair grafts.

5. Incisions made in the balding areas:

Follicular Unit Grafts are placed in the tiny incisions that are made in an irregular pattern in the recipient area.

6.Grafts placed according to their densities:

The smallest grafts (one and two) are placed in front of the hairline and three and four (denser than one and two) are placed behind.

7. Immediately after the Hair Transplant Surgery:

After the hair transplant surgery, tiny incisions with short hair would be visible in the patient's operated area.

8. The closing of the Hair Transplant Surgery:

The incision marks heal naturally and the redness in the recipient area vanishes itself within a week.

At Ree Age, eminent dermatologists(trichologists) will attend the patients with utmost good care and our team ensures desired results to the patients. 
