Friday, 27 July 2018



In any hair transplant surgery (whether FUE or FUT), hair roots are taken from the back side of your head (also called as donor area), and planted to your baldness area (also called as recipient are). Surgeon use hair grafts from back side of your head which is generally called “Donor” area. Hairs at  back and sides region of head, are resistant to DHT hormone which is the main cause of hair loss. Hence, they will not thin or fall after transplantation. Whether it is FUE procedure or FUT hair grafts, they are generally taken from permanent zone of head. Since these hair roots are permanent in nature, when they are planted in your baldness area, the new hair which grow from these planted hair roots, also become permanent. You will never lose them again. Hence hair transplantation is a permanent solution.


The hair that is planted has a natural look and feel. You can cut, dye or shave them like your normal hair because they are collected from and planted to a portion of your own scalp. They will again grow back like your natural hair.

After one month of your hair transplantation you will temporarily start losing the transplanted hairs, and same thing may continue for the next two months. This temporary losing phase is followed by permanent growth phase during which hair will continue to grow at normal rate. After the temporary losing phase, your transplanted hair will remain for life long life without any medication or maintenance.


Losing the hair after hair transplant is a normal occurrence and it is the response of your body to the trauma (hair transplant surgery), which is also called shock loss. When hair transplantation is performed with exceptional care by an experienced surgeon, the chances of shock loss are significantly smaller. At Ree Age, eminent doctors who have over 25 years of hands on experience will carry out hair transplantation and hence risk of shock loss is very small.

Hair roots (follicles) that your surgeon has transplanted will never get thin or lost ever again. But your existing hairs (which were present during hair transplant surgery) will continue to fall. To stop such hair fall, you need to take some medication from your cosmo-dermatologist or hair transplant doctor who understands your body response better.

Conclusion: choose your surgeon wisely and educate yourself before hair transplant surgery. Never every go for Cheap Hair Transplant. There are various innovative payment methods, like monthly EMIs, Loan on Hair Transplant etc, which will make sure that your burden is reduced. But if you just select a surgeon because he/she is cheaper, you may not get desired result or the result may be negative.


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